Saturday, April 2, 2011

How To Go From Unemployed To Self-Employed

Unemployed to Self-Employed
How To Go From Unemployed to Self-Employed

How do you go from being Unemployed to Self-Employed?

“Unemployment can be the beginning of a new chapter in your life”.

That’s right it can be the beginning of a new chapter in your life or it can be the end of a chapter in your life depending how you look at it. A very well known motivational speaker wrote;

“Learn to see your stresses and struggles as challenges and opportunities, not liabilities and handicaps”.

Many times when we are faced with a problem, we ask why is this happening? What we should ask in fact is, what can I learn from this situation, where is the opportunity in this situation?

It is only when you decide to turn the negative situation into a positive one that you will start to get new ideas because ideas start with your thoughts. You need to realize you are 100% in control of your own thoughts, when negative thoughts creep into your mind, cancel them by thinking positive thoughts, for example if you think you can’t, cancel it and think, I can.
When you start to think positive thoughts, you will get positive ideas, positive ideas lead to positive action, and positive action lead to positive results.

Thoughts come and go into our minds every day, and sometimes we dismiss those thoughts as being insignificant. But sometimes those very thoughts hold the key to solving many of our problems. You will find if you act on those thoughts they lead to great things and will enrich your life in a way that you never imagined.

Many books have been written about men and women from all walks of life, who overcame many obstacles, started businesses that reached great successes. Helen Keller was born deaf and blind yet she became a famous writer and lecturer.
It does not matter what age you are, what your financial situation is like, your education whether you have a degree or not, what your physical status is like you can turn your situation around to achieve great success, doing whatever your heart’s desires are.

Napoleon Hill wrote, “Whatever the human mind can dream and believe, it can achieve”.

So you are unemployed, now what! Well start to think self- reliant, self employment, maybe you have never thought of being self-employed of owning your own business, well my friend the time is NOW! Now is as good a time as any other time, there are many programmes on the Internet that will help you along your way. Now is the time to go from unemployed to self-employed.

The Internet is a global opportunity for everybody to earn a very good income, the playing fields are levelled and everybody is equal. There is no discrimination about age, gender or geographical preferences. All that is needed is a burning desire to succeed, to work hard, work smart and be committed.

 You and I both know the Internet is also full of unscrupulous scam artists who claim to be the solution and saviour to your problems; they play on people’s emotions by saying all the right things, telling you how they went from having nothing to now earning thousands, millions, living the grand life by following this and that foolproof system.

Yes there are many marketers who went from having nothing to now living a good comfortable life by making a success of their Internet businesses. Those are the marketers that you need to align yourself with, the type of marketers that will give you the guidelines and support to grow your business to the level that you earn a good income and become financially independent.

 When you start an Internet business, support is very important because if you are left on your own, you will definitely struggle to make a success of your business. That’s why so many other marketers have quitted because they struggle, have no support system, and eventually quit in frustration.

After being online since 2002, I've tried many Affiliate Marketing businesses trying and testing many programmes. In the process I’ve lost a lot of money by buying ebooks and following the programmes only to find out the information in the eBook is not according to what the website portrayed and totally misleading.

Then finally I came across a website called WEALTHY AFFILIATE after reading up on the website I liked what I saw and signed up immediately. This is a website about a community of affiliates helping each other to succeed. Even the owners are personally involved in interacting with the affiliates, helping out and answering questions. That is very rare and it tells you they have your best interest at heart.

The training at WEALTHY AFFILIATE is the best in the world, yes the best in the world and when you sign up, for FREE at first, upgrade later if you wish, you are assured by other marketers of their help and assistance.

All my best

John A. Goliath


Skype: john.anthony.goliath



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